Career Advice

From the kung fu career advising masters of the universe!

First Steps

The day has come: You found an awesome job with Bowen Scott, applied, and got a call from a real-live human being who’s arranged an interview for you. Congrats! But your work has only just begun.

Even the smartest and most qualified Consultants need to prepare for their job interview. Why, you ask? Interview skills are learned, and there are no second chances to make a great first impression. These interview tips will help you prepare and deliver an awesome interview.

As your CV is the first chance you get to make a good impression on a potential employer, why not take the opportunity to have your CV assessed for free by a member of our team. We will give you a professional appraisal of its strengths and weaknesses and whether it can be improved.

A top-quality CV will considerably boost your chance of getting a face-to-face interview, so it is worthwhile investing time and effort on the content, presentation and layout. It will make all the difference in obtaining the position you want. It is therefore paramount your CV highlights your skills, expertise and value plus personality.

Fail to plan, plan to fail. You are certain to be asked specific questions about your potential employer, so make sure you’ve done your homework on things like their last year’s profits and latest product launches. Nothing is as disappointing as when a candidate oozes enthusiasm and then doesn’t even know the most basic facts and figures about a company

For more information contact us for free advice and a free information booklet.

Traditionally speaking, dressing for the workplace should be is pretty cut and dry. Business attire, the suit and tie, seem to be the convention when dressing for work. But not everyone subscribes to these traditional ideals and many companies, and even entire industries, are moving away from the suit and tie in favour of a less formal approach.

For more information contact us for free advice and a free information booklet.

Here are five quick tips on how to guarantee your telephone interview goes well.

  1. Use a landline if possible as mobiles can lose signal.
  2. Dress up – you’ll rise to the occasion.
  3. Stand up – you’ll sound more animated.
  4. Have your CV and the job description in front of you.
  5. Remember, this is the only interview where you can use your notes!

We’ve all been there, the dreaded rejection letter, email or phone call. It is never a pleasant experience, particularly if you’ve faced several rejections so far in your job search, it can be easy to feel dejected and disheartened.

The expression “it’s not what you say, it’s what you do” is never more true than during a job interview. Your body language can have a significant impact on how you’re perceived, and so you have to be aware of it from the moment you step through the door.

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